There are many different types of gas BB guns available, including guns that fire pellets with a single shot action, semi automatic and fully automatic.
The great thing about gas BB guns is that they fall into the middle range budget. This means that they are perfect for enthusiasts who don't have enough money for a high end electric powered gun.
Click here to shop our range of gas-powered pistols under £40.
Another cool thing about the gas BB gun is that they look extremely authentic, and can really add to the realism of any game you may be taking part in.
They are superior to spring action guns
Not only are gas powered BB guns easier to use than than their spring powered counterparts, but the quality of materials used is usually also superior.
They also shoot further
Because gas BB guns can generate more power than their spring and electric cousins, it means you are able to shoot the BB pellet further. This can give you a real advantage in a gaming situation, as you don't need to get as close to take your enemies out.
They're more complex
A gas BB gun is more mechanically complex than spring and electric powered guns. This means there is more chance that something could wrong in the middle of a game, leaving you without a weapon. In fact, some BB enthusiasts actually prefer spring powered guns due to their simplicity.
They suffer from cold weather
Also, it is worth keeping in mind that a gas BB gun may not handle cold weather situations very well and is prone to breaking down in such conditions. This is definitely something to think about if you live in a country where the temperature drops to below freezing on a regular basis.
Discover our six top selling BB sniper rifles here.
Discover our five top selling BB guns under £30 here.
Discover our top selling Gel Blasters here.
Discover our five top selling BB guns of 2023 here.
Discover our top selling BB gun assault rifles guide here.
Discover our top selling full auto BB guns (best BB machine guns to buy) guide here.
Discover our six top selling airsoft pistols here